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Strivers Become Drivers…or anything else they want to be!

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  As volunteer education officer Professor Martin Ashley says, ‘The Strivers scheme is carefully designed to mirror the job application process, giving students experience of writing an application and a CV, attending for interview and then experiencing the world of work through a week’s experience in the different departments of the South Tynedale Railway’.

They have shown commitment and enthusiasm and we have invited them to formally join our youth volunteering team as a result of their hard work during their work experience week.’   Anyone between the ages of 11 and 18 can apply to join the Strivers so if you know of someone with an interest in engineering, business, catering or railway operations South Tynedale Railway would love to hear from you.

The railway would also be interested in hearing from any schools who may want to offer a work experience week to pupils in 2019.

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