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Garratt Happenings: The NG/G16 129 August Update

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Work moves on apace with NG/G16 129, including the following tasks: Removal of boiler from the cradle to enable final installation of all the steam, exhaust and water pipework, as well as insulating and cladding the boiler.

Overhaul of cylinder and linkage for the rocking grate, including manufacture of new components as required.

for the lubrication lines (below).Manufacture and fitting of blowdown valve linkage.Riveting of the running boards to the boiler cradle, and grinding back of rivet heads.The manufacture of pins and bushes for the valvegear continues, with many parts trial fitted to the engine units.Installation of tank support timbers, engine unit footplates and lubricator mounting plates.Final assembly of steam and exhaust pipework on the engine units, including steam expansion joints.A custom-designed lifting bracket for the rear of the boiler has been fabricated and load tested, reducing the time and effort required to sling and balance the boiler when lifting.

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