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South Tynedale Railway – awarded Queens Award for Voluntary Service

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South Tynedale Railway Preservation Society, Alston, are proud recipients of The Queens Award for Voluntary Service 2017.

We are rightly proud of our volunteering roots and all of our volunteers both new and old, and the QAVS is an exciting accolade for the present-day Society which only exists because of those first volunteers and all others who have and do come since” Chairman, Richard Graham adds; “We are delighted that the South Tynedale Railway Preservation Society has been selected as a recipient of the Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service.

It recognizes not only the work of today’s volunteers, but the dedication and determination of the founding volunteers of the mid 1970’s, many of whom are no longer with us and cannot share in this accolade, but without whose vision and hard work would not have made the Society the major player that it is in the local community and economy.

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