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DHR No 19 Running on the Leighton Buzzard Railway

Darjeeling Himalayan Railway No 19 completed a set of successful trial runs at the Leighton Buzzard Railway on Thursday 5th April. It is now set for a month of regular operation, culminating in an Indian Hill Railways Spectacular on Monday 7th May.

Subject to availability, it is planned to run No 19 on every Sunday and Bank Holiday Monday in the meantime. On Easter Sunday and Monday, and the Sunday and Monday of the May Bank Holiday weekend, it will share a two-train service with our resident Indian “big beast”, No 740 from the Matheran Light Railway, near Mumbai.

For the 7th May event, the diminutive “Rishra”, formerly owned by Calcutta Corporation, will also be in steam. We expect the line-up to be completed by the return from overhaul of No 778, the World War 1 Baldwin, which finished its active career at a sugar mill in Uttar Pradesh. Additional activities are expected from the Indian Tourist Office and the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Association.

Please see link for more information LEIGHTON BUZZARD RAILWAY

Posted by Peter Mead on

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