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Moseley Railway Trust recieve planning consent for the Apedale developments

You will be pleased to know that the planning application by Moseley Railway Trust to construct a tourist railway from the Apedale Heritage Centre along the Apedale Valley as far as Miry Pools, a distance of just over a mile, was approved by the planning committee of Newcastle Borough Council by a large majority on Wednesday 30th August 2006. A second part of the application is the construction of a loco storage building (& outline permission for the main Museum building)to house the remainder of the collection currently in store at Buxworth in Derbyshire. The final part of the planning application was for the change of use of the existing mines buildings to uses more appropriate to the Trust’s development of the site. All have been approved, subject to some minor additional information eg details of construction of water towers at Silverdale Station & making assessment of the impact on Wildlife, particularly Great Crested Newts before we start on Phase 3 – the last section of railway up to Miry Pools, however none of these conditions are onerous.

All of the issues raised by the councillors at the committee meeting had been thoroughly addressed by the Moseley board of Trustees in the application document itself, so the recommendation was very firmly in favour of this important tourist development in the Newcastle borough of Staffordshire.

Best regards

Phil Robinson
Moseley Railway Trust

(Copied & edited from the Moseley Railway Trust’s Yahoo Group)

Posted by Gareth Roberts on