A service of more and shorter trains (the Orange service) was drafted for possible use in Spring Bank Holiday week during Wharf redevelopment.
Also on Sunday, members may “Have-a-Go”, this time driving an air-braked train, mostly between Quarry Siding and Nant Gwernol.
Roger Whitehouse, Timetables Officer Saturday September 25 V Q V Tywyn Wharf dep 9.25 10.00 10.30 11.05 11.40 12.45 1.20 1.55 3.00 Pendre CR 9.29 10.04 10.34 11.09 11.44 12.49 1.24 2.01 3.04 Rhydyronen CR 9.37 10.12 10.42 11.17 11.52 12.57 1.32 2.09 3.12 Brynglas CR 9.43 10.18 10.50 11.23 11.58 1.05 1.42 2.15 3.18 Dolgoch Falls 9.56 10.31 11.03 11.36 12.11 1.18 1.55 2.28 3.31 Abergynolwyn arr 10.10 10.45 11.15 11.50 12.25 1.35 2.07 2.40 3.45 dep 10.46 11.19 11.51 12.26 1.36 2.08 2.41 4.06 Nant Gwernol arr 10.52 11.24 11.57 12.32 1.42 2.14 2.47 4.12 V Q V Nant Gwernol dep 11.05 11.35 12.10 12.45 1.55 2.25 3.00 4.22 Abergynolwyn arr 11.10 11.40 12.15 12.50 2.00 2.30 3.05 4.27 dep 10.30 11.35 12.10 12.45 1.20 2.25 2.55 3.30 4.30 Dolgoch Falls 10.40 11.45 12.24 12.55 1.34 2.35 3.05 3.44 4.44 Brynglas CR 10.49 11.54 12.33 1.04 1.43 2.44 3.14 3.53 4.53 Rhydyronen CR 10.55 12.05 12.39 1.10 1.49 2.50 3.25 3.59 4.59 Pendre CR 11.04 12.14 12.46 1.19 1.56 2.59 3.34 4.08 5.08 Tywyn Wharf arr 11.16 12.21 12.56 1.31 2.06 3.11 3.41 4.15 5.15 Sunday September 26 V Q Tywyn Wharf dep 9.55 10.30 11.40 1.55 3.00 Pendre CR 9.59 10.34 11.44 2.01 3.04 Rhydyronen CR 10.07 10.42 11.52 2.09 3.12 Brynglas CR 10.18 10.48 11.58 2.17 3.18 Dolgoch Falls 10.31 11.01 12.11 2.28 3.31 Abergynolwyn arr 10.45 11.15 12.25 2.40 3.45 dep 10.46 11.19 12.26 2.41 4.06 Nant Gwernol arr 10.52 11.24 12.32 2.47 4.12 V Q Nant Gwernol dep 11.05 11.35 12.45 3.00 4.22 Abergynolwyn arr 11.10 11.40 12.50 3.05 4.27 dep 11.35 12.10 1.20 3.30 4.30 Dolgoch Falls 11.45 12.24 1.34 3.44 4.44 Brynglas CR 11.54 12.33 1.43 3.53 4.53 Rhydyronen CR 12.05 12.39 1.49 3.59 4.59 Pendre CR 12.14 12.48 1.58 4.08 5.08 Tywyn Wharf arr 12.21 12.55 2.05 4.15 5.15 On Sunday September 26, “Have-a-Go” steam-hauled trains (not conveying passengers) will operate as follows:- Pendre-Abergynolwyn dep 9.05 a.m.